I’ve gotten to do three different experiences with Kim so far, and all of them were out of this world amazing, illuminating, and mind bending in the most glorious of ways.
One experience was a shamanic journey where we traveled to past lives to harvest nuggets of divine wisdom. The experience helped me identify soul gifts that I can access in deeper ways in this lifetime, and allowed me to have a deeper understanding of why I had been stuck in patterns in this lifetime up to this point. I did this in a group with other people and it was so cool to hear everyone’s stories and Ahas!
The second was a shamanic journey and canvas painting. It was so much fun to see what visions came to surface and wanted to be captured on the canvas. It was so fun to do this in a group with other people!
The third was shamanic body work. I did this on a private session one-on-one. When I tell you that there are no words to express the depth of healing for this experience, it’s not an exaggeration. I had been suffering from Lock Jaw for months, and in one session Kim identified the root and healed the energy that was causing the pain. My mind is still in awe, and I’m in absolute gratitude for this experience and for Kim’s soul gifts.
There’s a layer of soul retrieval that happens inside the healing space with Kim that I can’t quite be put into words, as words will never fully do justice to what you can experience in working with her. If you have the opportunity to work with her, please for the love of unicorns and sparkles, say yes!
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